What Is Alcoholic Nose

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This condition is often described in the context of alcohol use because it has long been thought to be related to drinking. We specialize in dual diagnosis treatment, meaning we are the best equipped to help individuals who have both substance use disorder and another mental illness. A “drinker’s nose” is actually a condition called rhinophyma, a side effect of rosacea. Usually, rhinophyma involves reddening of the nose and a noticeably bulbous nose, which means that the nose becomes enlarged, more pronounced, and rounder. Is your child, friend, coworker, parent, or spouse struggling with their alcohol addiction? Are you looking for treatment options that target each patient’s specific needs?

However, using alcohol does increase your risk of rosacea6, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. The same study also found that the severity of rosacea that did develop correlated with how heavily alcohol was used. Of course, due to the nature of addiction, this is often easier said than done. To give yourself the best chance of recovering and achieving long-term sobriety, consider seeking professional addiction treatment. For these reasons, alcohol can aggravate symptoms of rosacea to a much more noticeable extent. Moreover, certain types of alcohol, like red wine, are more likely to trigger rosacea than others.

Purple Nose Alcohol Nose Condition

If you are suffering from rhinophyma, talk to your doctor or dermatologist to develop a plan for treatment. You don’t need to make a New Year’s resolution to prioritize your mental health or take the steps toward recovery. NEATC will always strive to offer the highest quality of care in the Northeast region, while priding itself on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and compassion. You can also take steps to manage symptoms through lifestyle changes. If caught in the early stages, however, symptoms can often be managed with medication and lifestyle changes. There is no cure for rhinophyma, and it typically does not go away without surgery.

  • What remains true is that some will use physical symptoms and fear of judgment regarding it as a reason to isolate and avoid help.
  • Learn about the signifiers of an alcoholic nose and the causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options.
  • You cannot and should not assume that somebody is an alcoholic simply because they have rhinophyma.
  • Most of these symptoms affect the skin and can lead to further swelling and inflammation if not treated.
  • Entrust your addiction with people who love and care about you and want to see you happy.

Rhinophyma can be treated with medications and surgical intervention. The patient and their physician can determine the best remedy for them. With progression, the aesthetic subunits of the nose merge and become obliterated.

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Inpatient treatment may be necessary if you cannot stop drinking on your own. Medication can also be used to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Rhinophyma is typically diagnosed based on a physical examination. However, a skin biopsy may sometimes be necessary to rule out other conditions. Medical detox can help minimize the unpleasant and dangerous side effects of alcohol withdrawal. While stopping alcohol may help improve symptoms of rosacea, it can be very difficult to stop using alcohol if addiction has developed.

Additionally, the weather can cause rosacea to occur or increase its symptoms. This includes exposure to the sun, wind, and excessively hot or cold temperatures. Other causes for what is perceived as an “alcoholic nose” include make-up and skin care products and certain drugs that dilate a person’s blood vessels.


If you are suffering from an alcoholic nose and are an alcoholic, you can get help. It is okay to reach out for help regardless alcoholic nose of what is happening. For help with rhinophyma, you can get in touch with your dermatologist or your general practitioner.

what does an alcoholic nose look like
